#antique door accent furniture ALTERNATIVE antique furniture Antique Haveli Door Bold Accent Furniture Earthing Furniture Farmhouse Coffee Table Hand Carved Panel HOME AND KITCHEN hotel design Interior Design meditation reclaimed-wood rustic decor rustic furniture satement decor Spiritual Sculpture Stone Statue vintage furniture vintage luxe wall decor Wall Sculpture

Elements of Wellness Design and Furniture

Elements of Wellness Design are built around the principles of natural beauty, energy symmetry, and color balance, all of which deeply impact and improve the health and well-being of individuals. Embracing Vastu FengShui design principles aligns with the body’s circadian rhythms and the five principal elements that we are all made of. The incorporation of these design principles serves to create spaces that support physical, emotional, and spiritual wellness.

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When designing for wellness, resorts, and boutique hotels, there is a deliberate emphasis on fitness and meditation Yoga Wall Sculpture , often incorporating features such as saunas and detox spas, as well as secluded green areas where plants and elements of nature abound. The use of old doors carved with sun rays and chakras, along with depictions of lotus flowers and other florals, contributes to an environment bursting with positive energy. Wellness design is indeed a sensory experience; from the sound of a running stream or waterfall to the gentle rustle of leaves, the more relaxing the experience, the more profound and memorable it becomes. Such spaces are carefully crafted to provide a holistic and rejuvenating experience, stimulating the senses and nurturing overall well-being.

Green design brings nature indoors, beautiful lush plants that purify the air we breathe and reclaimed wood antique armoires and chai tables create a sustainable conscious home. Feng Shui and Vaastu Shastra are sister sciences that are based on the ancient knowledge of balance of energies between humans and the places they inhabit. Old Indian doors were studded with metals and beautifully carved in a unique way to create a vortex of energy. Vastu is the yoga of your home and aims at keeping energy fluid. Blocked energy creates stress that impacts your health, career, finances limiting your growth.